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Finsbury Green is an independently audited carbon neutral business which includes print, mail, warehousing and logistics.

Another way to describe us is we’re ‘operationally’ carbon neutral which is all the things we can control within our business. Any production undertaken entirely within our operation is printed, mailed or warehoused carbon neutral.

We’ve worked hard for 20 years to reduce the things that produce greenhouse gases (aka carbon) and when that’s done purchase certified carbon credits to offset the balance.

Carbon offset schemes* allow us to invest in eco projects to cancel out the remaining carbon. We’ve implemented green technologies, products and processes, reduced our waste to zero and optimised electricity use and have been responsible for industry pioneering environmental practice since 2002.

All calculations relating to carbon accounting are independently audited** and validated by current environmental science with all calculations sourced from the Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, National Greenhouse Accounts Factors 2020.

Each year we report this in our independently audited ESG Report 2024.

By printing or producing with us the environment benefits by you reducing your carbon footprint. To help clients make informed decisions, CO2 savings are listed on our print and mail quotations.

Computer to plate (CtP)
We use developer-free technology CtP systems, reducing the need for chemistry and water from the platemaking process.

VOC free ink
Traditional mineral solvent based inks contribute to ever growing greenhouse gas emissions. All our inks and varnishes are VOC free with no solvents or mineral oils. Low waste pumping systems deliver ink to presses, reducing waste and maximising efficiency.

Alcohol-free printing
Isopropyl alcohol used in fountain solutions is another source of greenhouse gas emissions and is the unpleasant odour in many printing plants. We are 100% alcohol free and one of the first printers in Australia to effect such a change.

Chemical reduction
Our chemical and solvent usage is very low compared to most, resulting in consistently low factory-to-air emission readings. An environmentally sound chemical recovery system filters and recycles used wash-up solution from presses.

Waste management
We separate a large range of materials for recycling or reuse, resulting in zero waste sent to landfill.

Water and energy
Finsbury Green proactively reduces consumption throughout the whole operation and undertakes many initiatives including power factor correction, voltage optimisation and lighting designed for low power usage.


Because we are a carbon neutral business, everything we do internally is carbon neutral, including warehousing, kitting, packing and organising distribution.

We’ve implemented green processes that complement our zero waste, bioplastic and optimised electricity. We rationalise inventory using stock management data. Analytics determine if inventory should become on-demand. Automated storage systems pick and pack efficiently.

Freight aggregation recommends the most efficient delivery option. Innovative packaging reduces dead air for auto sorting on conveyor systems. Bulk freight is sent to distribution centres for regional distribution. Reverse logistics ensure customer waste is not sent to landfill.

All these practices benefit the environment by reducing waste and transport emissions.

* Supplied by South Pole using the Australian Government’s National Carbon Offset Standard (Climate Active).
**Reported in our annually published ESG Report since 2002.

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