Leanne Larche, Louisa Hill, Stuart Walton and Marie Quach.
As leaders in corporate social responsibility we’d like to share a story that’s truly wonderful.
Earlier this year Finsbury Green made the commitment to employ two young people on a full time basis to work in our Sydney Warehouse.
This commitment has been made possible by Achieve Australia who offer a range of services and support for people with a disability and their families to help build extraordinary lives, have a home, choose a career, learn new skills, participate in their community and enjoy a full life.
Louisa Hill and Stuart Walton are two great examples. Supporting them is Leanne Larche, Achieve Australia’s Operations Manager.
As supervisors we are there to provide support and guidance for them. We work closely with each person to find out what they like doing and if further training is needed.
Stuart and Louisa really love going out to work at Finsbury Green each week because they get to do something different, meet new people and learn new skills.
It’s very rewarding for us to see the people we support enjoying what they do.
That’s also true for the rest of the Finsbury Green family.